Personal Attainments

A Personal Attainment is an emotional state of being that I have attained because I can choose it.

When I can choose a definite state of being, I attain that attribute as an attainment.

Personal attributes have a relative magnitude of emotional power.

Emotional power is relative to my state of being.

Choosing an attainment requires emotional power and is therefore relative to my emotional power.

It requires the emotional power of an attribute to attain that state of being.

Attaining emotional power requires the attainment of personal attributes.

My state of being determines my emotional power.

Attaining the potential to connect to my emotional power is essential to my personal development.

My personal development is the learned ability to develop the competence of my emotional power.

As I develop my personal attainments, my emotional power changes from a potential to a reality.

I realise that I have the potential to personally attain my own power.

The potential of my personal power becomes a reality when I attain it.

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