Personal Attainments

Attainments are the personal attributes that I have attained.

Attaining a personal attribute is the ability to consciously be that attribute by choice.

An attainment means that I have attained a positive state of Being that is who I really am.

Attainments always have a positive polarity.

Attaining a negative state of being is not an attainment.

I attain a higher state of being when I express a higher state of being as my default response to whatever is occuring in my life.

An attribute is the emotional state of my Beingness, whereas an attainment is my continued expression of that attribute in my life.

I attribute being emotional to my Self once I have attained the ability of emotional awareness.

The development of Personal Attributes and Attainments requires Emotional Intelligence, Rational Intelligence, and Emotional Awareness.

Personal Attainments determine my level of Self-confidence.

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