
Perseverance is the belief that I need to keep trying.

It stops me giving up.

It requires commitment, determination, & dedication to persevere.

I persevere with whatever that I believe that I need to achieve.

My perseverance is driven by my need to achieve.

My need to achieve is caused by my belief that perseverance is good for me.

I per-severe ‘through severe’ obstacles & resistance.

My perseverance is my attempt to achieve the intentions of my ego’s will.

When I am empowered on my authorised path, perseverance is unnecessary.

The problem with perseverance is my belief that I have to carry on with it regardless.

Even though effortlessly flowing along my path is a better choice.

If at first I don’t succeed, perseverance is needed to try again.

When I overcome my fear of failure, perseverance becomes redundant.

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