Permission & Allowance

I can allow, I can permit and I can disallow.

When I allow others, I give them my permission. I permit them to do what they do, with my authority.

When I allow my Self, I do not disallow my allowance, it is permitted & provided.

I disallow my allowance when I do not believe that I have the authority of choice. Authority is the mental belief that I am allowed or permitted to choose.

I allow myself and I permit others when I believe that I have the relevant authority.

When I am being allowing, I receive my allowance. My allowance is whatever I allow to manifest as my reality. It is whatever I believe that I have the authority to receive.

Authority is a choice that I allow. I have authority when I allow my Self my own choice. When I disallow or deny my choice, I disallow my authority because I deny that I have it. I deny the authority of my choice.

I do not need to give myself permission. I just receive my allowance by allowing my Self the choice to accept it with gratitude. Gratitude is the power that gives authority to my choice. As I appreciate my authority, my allowance appreciates. My allowance is a choice, when I choose to allow it with gratitude & appreciation.

My allowance is all ready, on my path, awaiting my acceptance. As I follow my path, I allow it to arrive. My path is my choice, which needs no permission. Choice is my permit, as choice is all ways allowed.

My allowance is provided per mission. Why would I choose a mission without enough provision to fulfil it? My provision is allowed in alignment with (per pro) the mission of my higher vision. My per-mission & my pro-vision align my Self with my life path.

I am allowed to fulfil the mission of my vision when I am being allowing on purpose. Providing an allowance for another is permitted as long as it is divinely inspired and allows them the ability to follow their own path and fulfil their own purpose.

Permission is granted for every mission of choice and provision is provided as an allowance. All I am required to do is allow my provision to be provided. The only choice that I am required to make is to allow my path to unfold with acceptance, gratitude & appreciation.

I disallow my allowance when I do not permit providence to provide it. Provision flows effortlessly through me, not to me or by me. Being allowing allows providence the authority to provide my allowance.

Choosing acceptance allows its receipt.

Choosing gratitude allows its continuous receipt.

Choosing appreciation allows my provision to expansively grow & appreciate.

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