Performing Miracles

I do not perform miracles.

Performing is an act and a performance.

Miracles are a supernatural occurrence.

They are real or an illusion, dependent on the perspective of the observer.

I observe miracles, I do not perform them.

I observe miracles when I allow them to supernaturally occur.

Believing that miracles are a fiction and cannot happen disallows their occurrence.

The miraculous paradox is that when I believe in miracles they become an everyday event.

When I see the miracle of life, I observe the miracle that is life.

When I see my life as a miracle, I live a miraculous life.

I see life with the vision of my super-conscious Self.

Miracles are the nature of my super-conscious creative Self.

A miraculous life is not an act, but it is full of play.

Life is not a performance, it is a miracle.


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