
We will realise our own Perfection when we realise that Life itself is Perfect.

Wanting to be perfect is an affirmation of our imperfection.

This world is a contextual field in which it is possible to experience all forms of imperfection.

Being Perfect in an imperfect world is not a possibility.

Experiencing our imperfection is perfect for us once we recognise that we are on a Journey of Expansive Personal Spiritual Development & Growth.

Once we realise our Perfection, growth is no longer possible or required.

The Way to Realise our Perfection is by experiencing our imperfections and then making a better choice.

Our Natural State of Being is to be Perfectly Happy and to be Perfectly Well.

Only through the experiences created by our negative thoughts and emotions will we attain the ability to chose Happiness & Wellbeing as our Perfect Choice.

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