Perception & Perspective

A Perception is an emotional sense of feeling.

A Perspective is a mental state of knowing.

I process perceptions with my emotional processor, my solar plexus.

I process perspectives with my mental processor, my brain.

Perceptions are an awareness of emotional energy.

Perspectives are the experience of physical consciousness.

Whatever I am conscious of being real in this physical world, becomes my perspective of reality.

Whatever I am aware of being real, using my intuitive sense, is a perception of my reality.

I create a perspective of life based on my physical experiences.

I realise a perception of life based on my emotional experiences.

Whatever touches my physical body, whether it be light, sound, smell, or solid matter, creates my perspective of reality.

Whatever touches my Soul instinctively & intuitively is a real perception of this physical world.

With no distinction between perception & perspective, I will have no distinction between my perspectives and my perceptions, and they will appear to be the same thing.

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