Penance Or Penitence

With no distinction between Penance & Penitence, I accept the teachings of my religious doctrine. I am expected to subjugate myself to the atonement, remission, redemption & absolution, offered by an external holy man.

Penitence is the punishment imposed by the beliefs and compunctions of others, that I must suffer the remorse & contrition of my shame, my humiliation, my sorrow & my regret.

Penance is the reward that I attain when I ‘fly my own flag’. I can fly the champions pennant or I can plummet into the desperate depression of being a loser. Penance is the true value of confessing my trespasses, professing my truth and expressing my sincere integrity; through my own atonement, my own remission, my own redemption & my own absolution.

  • Atonement is ‘the unity of my heart, soul, mind & strength’
  • Remission is ‘being unto others as I choose for others to be unto me’
  • Redemption is redeeming the seven roles personified by Jesus, as the Redeemer, the Healer, the Overcomer, the Comforter, the Teacher, the Messiah & the Saviour
  • Absolution is the absolute perspective, perception & essential nature of the Soul. It is without the disparity of relative duality

Penance is the existential, influential experience of absolute omnipotence & omniscient omnipresence of my Champion, the Lord God Almighty, the Creator of Creative Creativity.

Penance & Penitence are a duality of choice. In the relative dual reality world of physical existence, duality allows choice, singularity has no choice and triality allows a third choice. Every duality has an opposing polarity of either a positive or a negative direction of choice.

  • Penitence is the negative polarity of punishment & suffering
  • Penance is the positive reward of health & wellbeing

I can ‘fly or soar’ into ‘a paradise in heaven’ or I can ‘flee, be sore & plummet’ into a self imposed ‘hell on earth’.

I overcome the instinctive duality of ‘fight or flee’, with the divine ascension of my ‘flight’ into heaven.

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