Peace Games

Peace Games are passive war games.

A game of peace is also called a cold war.

A cold war is opposed to a hot war or a war game.

We play war games to compete for land, territory & assets.

We play peace games to compete to retain the land, territory & assets accumulated during a war.

Peace games are played in the theatre of war.

War & peace are a duality.

They are both a game played between opposing sides to enforce their will on each other.

When the will of two people or two nations is in agreement, there is no game to play.

Where no conflict exists, peace games cease to exist and the cold war is over.

Living ‘In Peace’ is not a game.

Living in peace requires Inner Peace.

A nation cannot be at peace unless its people have individually attained inner peace.

Inner peace is not a game.

I do not compete for inner peace.

It is a personal journey.

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