Paying Attention

Paying Attention is being aware of what I am attending to.

When I am paying attention to the needs of my Self, there is always a cost or a price to pay.

It takes a lot of physical energy to meet my needs for emotional energy, until I learn to meet my own needs, simply and effortlessly.

My Soul meets my need for emotional energy when I am paying attention to my Soul.

When I attend to my Soul’s Choice and follow my Soul’s Authority, my Soul attends to all my needs for emotional energy.

When I am on track and inspired in my actions, I have no need for emotional energy as I am fully empowered. (When I have a full tank of petrol, I don’t need to look for a garage to fill up my car).

It is my Soul’s sole intention for my Self to pay attention. That is all I have to pay.

When I pay attention to my Soul, instead of the intentions of my ego Self, I am in attendance with my Soul and my Soul is in attendance with my Self.

My Soul attends to all things in my Life that need attention, at no charge or cost to my Self, except paying attention to my Soul.

That is all I have to do as my Self.

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