Patience & Impatience

Impatience is a mild form of anger.

I get impatient and angry when I run out of emotional energy.

I need emotional energy to be patient because waiting is a toleration and a have to.

With enough emotional energy, I can be patient.

As my emotional energy runs out, I will become impatient.

When I run out of emotional energy, I will react angrily to get it back.

Patience & impatience are a duality, that is, they are opposing expressions of the same energy.

Anger is a well known emotion because it is often accompanied by an intense physical reaction.

Patience & impatience are emotions or emotional states of being.

Patience is usually seen as a positive emotion and impatience as a negative emotion.

Whether vibrating in a positive or a negative direction, they are both the state of my energy in motion and I will have to choose one or the other until I overcome the duality and find a 3rd way of Being.

My 3rd Way is to be Allowing.

When I am either waiting patiently or reacting impatiently, I am disallowing what I want to attract and manifest into my life.

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