
Pathology is the study of Pathos.

In Ancient Greek Philosophy:

  • Pathos is our emotional influence
  • Ethos is our mental influence
  • Logos is our spiritual influence

Pathology was the study of our intuitive, personally inspired Method of Choice. A Priori intuitive Knowledge was deemed superior to a posteriori rational intelligence. They sought the influence of the ethos to intuitively know, the pathos to intuitively feel and the logos to intuitively see their best choices in life. Ethos, Pathos & Logos were the three modes of influence that identified our three intuitive senses, which guided and supported the wisest choices for our Self.

To our modern Physicians, pathos has become the study of the cause of pain, discomfort & disease. It identifies the possible causes of acute, chronic & critical illnesses; both whilst we are alive and after our death.

Modern Pathology is devoid of emotional pathos, which has been demoted to the art of acting and relegated from the science of medicine. Research into physical & mental illness is now scientifically rational, with no spiritual influence or emotional intelligence.

The ethos and ethics of modern medicine is based on a mental belief system of rational logic, without any emotional pathos nor any logos of spiritual logic. Ethos is without pathos and logos is without intuitive logic. Logos has been lost in the rational logic of unemotional ethics, driven by the professional reasoning of intellectual intelligence alone. Intuitively influential choices are today considered to be just a lucky guess. Their logos or word requires the endorsement of their peers, instead of the authority of their own wisdom.

Medical professionals profess only the a posteriori knowledge of our physical illness with the ethos of their ethics. The pathos of negative emotional fears is the major influence on the ethical logic of their intellectual Professors. They profess that only an unemotional, insensitive, inclusively rational attachment to the pathos of their pathology is professionally acceptable as ethical.

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