Passion & Desire

True Passion is doing what I, as my Soul, truly Value.

When I co-operate with the Values of my Soul, I am inspired and empowered.

Human passion is doing what my ego self needs emotionally.

I am sub-consciously driven to meet the passionate needs of my ego self.

True Desire is doing what I, as my Soul, want to attain.

When I attain the attributes of my Soul, I become authorised and empowered.

Human desire is having what my ego self wants physically. It is achieving the ego’s goals and obtaining the possessions that the ego wants as its own.

I will require ‘will power’ to meet the desires of my ego self.

When I am confronted with a choice between my head and my heart, it is a choice between the passions & desires of my ego or my Soul, between the power of my will and the Power of my Divine Authority.

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