Parental Pride

Parental Pride is rooted in the need for my children to succeed and to do well.

It is the result of my children’s achievement and a measure of how well they are doing.

Parental pride justifies my beliefs as a parent and my role as a parent.

It applies when my children meet my standards that are set by me.

Parental pride is about me, not about my children.

The question is: “Who is setting the standard, me or my child”?

When my children are achieving my success, they are pleasing me and seeking my approval and my proud attention.

Parental pride measures how well my child is doing from my perspective. It is about their well-doing rather than their well-being.

The success and achievement of my children doing well are my fleeting moments of pleasure.

Parental pride is a fleeting moment of pleasure that is dependent on my children’s ability and successful achievement.

My well-being is the result of me following my path in life and attaining my own personal development and growth.

The attainment of well-being brings me lasting joy. A joy that I choose to share with my children.

Parental joy is the experience of well-being and compassion that is shared with my children as they attain their own sense of experiencing being Well on their own journey of development and growth.

My true happiness is the parental joy of my children’s attainments, not the parental pride of their achieving my standards of material success.  

My children are no longer my pride and joy. They are just a Joy.

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