Pardon Me

Pardon Me is a plea for forgiveness.

It is a statement of my apparent wrong doing.

It is an admission of my guilt.

It is my conviction that I ask to be pardoned.

I can really only pardon my Self.

I pardon me when I change my belief about doing wrong.

I forgive my Self when I realise the reason for my actions.

Asking forgiveness of another is a statement of my obedience to their rules.

I do not have the authority to pardon another.

I have no reason to forgive another when I see the forgiven-ness of their actions.

When I ask another to pardon me, I give them authority over my life.

I do not live under the conviction of another.

I forgive my Self for believing another’s convictions.

I pardon my Self because I am free to do so.

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