Parallel Lives & Concurrent Lives

A Life is a continuous experience in one space-time reality into which I am born and from which I die.

I have many parallel lives and many concurrent lives.

I have an infinite number of potential lives to experience that allow my spiritual development & growth.

Past lives & future lives run concurrently.

From the perspective of space-time-reality, where the reality of space is that time runs linearly, one life follows another life in the same way that one year follows another year.

Physical lives & spiritual lives run parallel to each other.

My dreams are a snapshot of my spiritual life/lives that run parallel to my conscious physical life/lives.

My sub-conscious spiritual lives/dreams run parallel to my conscious physical existence.

As all possibilities exist, all possible lives run parallel to my conscious chosen reality.

My experience of life continues after death with the choice of one of many space-time-realities that run both concurrently & parallel to each other.

I am only able to consciously experience one life at a time.

My super-conscious entity, that exists beyond the context & confines of space-time, experiences a different reality entirely.

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