Pain, Fear & Problems

Pain, Fear & Problems are retained in my body on a physical, mental & emotional level.

Emotional pain and mental fear manifest eventually as a physical problem.

All physical problems are a toleration that have to be tolerated.

All tolerations are the effect of the absence of Acceptance.

Without Acceptance, I will have to tolerate life’s experiences.

Tolerating life’s experiences ensures the continued persistence of pain, fear & problems.

Pain, fear and problems will eventually all become intolerable.

Treating the symptoms of pain, fear & problems suppresses them and drives them to a deeper physical, mental & emotional level.

Becoming pain-free, fearless & effortlessly problem-free requires that they all be released from the past and delivered into the present, so that the future may be cleansed of all fear, pain and problems.

When I accept life as an endless opportunity for development & growth, there are no tolerations, no pain, no fear and no problems.

Life really is designed to flow effortlessly in the gap of now without pain, fear or problems.

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