
P.N.S.E. is an acronym for Persistent Non-Symbolic Experiences.

It is a technical term for being spaced-out in non-physical reality. Spaced-out means not currently centred, balanced or grounded in three dimensional space-time-reality.

The purpose of physical reality is the grounded experience of personal choice. Personal choice requires a relative duality, in contrast to the absolute singularity of Oneness. Dual reality allows the choice of separateness or togetherness, unity or division. With a grounded experience of physical reality, I can fulfil my choice of a personal spiritual purpose in life.

I incarnate from non-physical reality to physical reality for a specific chosen purpose. Incarnating into physical reality to experience non-physically symbolic experiences, seems to me to have neither reason, meaning nor purpose.

The realm of three dimensional relative duality exists for the purpose of experiencing choice. It allows a choice of any reality or any real experience. With the duality of choice, I am free to choose the triality of physical life, where life is either a triune reality or a real trial. I am also free to choose an experience of the singularity of pure energetic inert potential.

I define Oneness as the unity of my Self with my Soul in the divine experience of my personal Happiness & Wellbeing. This is my choice for my ideally divine life.

The pursuit of oneness with the singularity of my source energy may appear to be blissful, euphoric or ecstatic but it has no clear reason, meaning or purpose for me in this lifetime. Others are free to make a different choice.

Persistent Non-Symbolic Experiences have a very high positive intensity, which in a world of contrast also have a very low negative creative potential.

My ideal life is grounded in the three dimensional reality of the contentment, fulfilment & joy of my happiness and the health, wealth & wisdom of my wellbeing.

I am well and happy being able to create a Continuously Symbolic Growth Experience for my Soul.

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