Overcoming Victimhood

The same freedom of choice that allows me to choose to be a victim also allows me to overcome victimhood.

To overcome victimhood in our modern society requires us individually to make a conscious choice to do so.

Overcoming victimhood requires me to overcome the polarity of the relative dual reality energy that allows it to exist.

That energy is my belief system that drives my thinking.

Overcoming victimhood allows me to be:

  • Problem free
  • Fearless
  • Emotionally Powerful
  • Authorised to choose
  • Able to live happily and well

It allows me to no longer be a victim of my problems, my fears, my emotions, my choices, or my lack of ability.

The ability to live life happily, well, and free from victimhood, requires my personal connection to my own power and authority. It requires me to own my power and authority.

My dependency on the power or authority of another will render myself a victim of that power or authority.

The ability to connect to my own power and authority requires a fundamental understanding of what drives the universe and the world in which I live.

Overcoming victimhood requires a unique understanding of the inherent beliefs within our society and within our self that are creating the victimhood.

Overcoming victimhood requires an understanding of the ‘Law of Attraction’ and how the fact that “Like energy is drawn unto itself” is creating everyone’s reality in a personal, individual and unique way.

It requires an understanding of the ‘Golden Rule’ that:

  • “What I do unto others, I will experience in return”
  • “What goes around comes around”
  • “What I do unto others, I do unto myself”

What I think creates my reality and what you think creates yours. We only share the same reality when we share the same thoughts, limiting beliefs and fears about our life.

I am a victim of life only as long as I believe myself to be one.

Once I take responsibility for creating my own reality, I am no longer a victim of my reality but the creator of my reality.

“Why on earth would I choose to be the victim of my own creation”?

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