Outer Wisdom

Outer Wisdom is an oxymoron.

Wisdom is innate.

It cannot be learned.

Knowledge is learned from my experience of my physical ‘outer’ world.

Wisdom is not the application of knowledge.

The ability to use knowledge is intelligence, not wisdom.

I can use my knowledge wisely or unwisely, but that is not wisdom.

When I use my knowledge with wisdom, I am using my knowledge of the outer world with my inner intuitive knowing.

It is my intuition that has wisdom, not my knowledge.

A wise choice has a beneficial outcome and an unwise choice a detrimental one.

Wisdom is the knowing without any shadow of doubt what is the right path for my Self.

Whether my choice is wise or unwise for another is a judgement that is always made without wisdom.

It is my knowledge that is used either wisely or unwisely, not my wisdom.

It is not possible to use my intuitive knowing, my wisdom, unwisely; but I can choose to disallow it, which is always unwise.

My Inner Wisdom is my allowance of my flow of knowing.

Without flow, wisdom is just knowledge.


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