Our Choosing

We are called to do Our Choosing.

Our ‘Calling’ is what we have, in our Divine Wisdom, ‘Chosen’ for this life-time.

It is Our:

  • Divine Right to Choose.
  • Freedom to Choose.
  • Calling to Choose.
  • Destiny to Choose.

We are Called to Awaken to Spirit.

We cannot awaken until our Self chooses to.

When we awaken our Self to the calling of our Soul, we realise that we have Choice.

Our Soul is continually calling our Self.

The Self will not hear the call until it awakens from its dream of being in a physical existence in a physical world.

Once awakened, the Soul continues to call and the Self retains its choice.

The Self can hear the messages of its Soul or it can remain in the illusion that has been created by its ego.

This is our Choosing.

“Many are called, few have chosen” – to awaken to the choice of their Soul.

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