Option & Choice

When an option is a choice, there is no distinction.

One option is not a choice.

Two options are required to have one choice.

With only one option, I have no choice. There is nothing to choose between.

Having only one option is a deception and a false reality.

There is always more than one option.

We always have choice.

We live in a world of contrast, choice, options and infinite possibilities.

When I believe that I have no choice, I am deceiving myself and denying or ignoring my other options.

Two options are a dilemma, which means I will have difficulty choosing between the two.

With 3 options, I am ‘at choice’.

I can only be at choice once I have clearly identified three distinct options.

With 3 options, my choice is clear and has distinction.

With multiple options, I will be confused.

When I reduce my options down to three, I can then choose with clarity.

My best choice is always my 3rd option.

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