Opportunities, Challenges & Problems

Opportunities, Challenges & Problems are all a matter of perspective & perception.

  • I see challenges with the perspective of my conscious mind
  • I see problems with the perspective of my sub-conscious mind
  • I see opportunities with the perspective of my super-conscious mind

My perception is instinctive, intellectual or intuitive:

  • My sub-conscious instinctive perception avoids problems by fleeing or confronts problems by fighting
  • My conscious mind believes that it is intellectually reasonable to overcome any problem by meeting the challenge
  • My super-conscious mind is intuitively aware of my beneficial opportunities

In my experience of reality:

  • Opportunities are always certainly beneficial & positive
  • Challenges are positive when met but negative when I fail them
  • Problems are always a toleration that is detrimental & negative

When I perceive opportunities with the perspective that only allows a beneficial outcome, I endorse my belief that positive opportunities always happen through me.

When I perceive challenges with the perspective that they are met by me, I either positively meet the challenge or negatively fail the challenge.

When I perceive problems with the perspective that they always happen to me, they are never positive, even when I believe that I have a solution. Solutions only ever water down a negative problem.

  • From the sub-conscious perspective of my instinctive Id, life happens to me in a detrimental way. I am faced with the problem of survival
  • From the conscious perspective of my intellectual ego, life happens by me and I succeed or fail in the challenge of making my life comfortable, safe and secure
  • From the super-conscious perspective of my intuitive Soul, life is absolutely filled full of beneficial opportunities, once I become aware that this is my destiny

Whether my life is unfolding as a problem, a challenge or an opportunity, is just a matter of personal perspective.

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