Oneness & Sameness

Oneness & Sameness are different qualities.

The quality of sameness is having the same quality as another and is relative to any difference.

Oneness is an absolute Soul quality. At the absolute level of the Soul, there is no difference.

The dual reality realm of relative existence allows the experience of sameness & difference.

In the absolute realm of the Soul, there is just Oneness, Wholeness or Holiness.

In the relative realm of the Self, there is same & different, unity & disunity, oneness & twoness, singularity & duality.

I can be the same as another Self or I can be different. I cannot be the same as my Soul or different. I am either at One with my Soul, or not.

Duality allows choice. In the absence of Oneness, I can choose to be the same or different.

In the absence of choice, I am just at One with all that is. I will never be at One with Soul by denying my choice. My default choice makes me the same as everyone else who denies they have choice.

My Soul has given its Self an individual, unique & exclusive purpose in life. My purpose is to explore, discover and experience being different, which is the same purpose as everyone else.

From the Soul’s perspective, there is no point in different people having the same purpose and no point in having the same perspective. Everyone has a different perspective even though they may make the same choices. We have each chosen a different Sole purpose.

Being the same as other people makes me like other people and makes other people like me.

Being different to other people makes me unlike other people and alienates me from them.

Being at One with my Self is a Soul quality. My Soul is always perfectly at One with its Self, never the same & never different.

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