Oneness & Nothingness

Oneness & Nothingness are the basis of every binary system. All computers run on a binary system of ones & noughts, which allows a choice of direction or polarity that goes this way or that.

Life runs on a system of reality that allows a choice of direction or polarity that goes this way or that. I can choose a life path towards oneness or a life path towards nothingness.

In relative reality, everything manifests from nothingness. Energy is not a thing until it manifests as something, either physically, mentally or emotionally. Choice is only realised once I choose it as my reality.

In a relative duality, or dual reality, I have a choice of direction. I can choose to go from a duality towards a triality or I can choose to go back to a singularity. My first choice makes singularity the first way and my third choice makes triality the third way. My second choice is to remain in duality and not follow a choice of spiritual path.

A spiritual path is a choice that the Soul makes for its Self. As the Soul has sovereign choice, so does each individual Self have their own choice of direction.

At the present time, most Individual’s choose to follow either someone else’s spiritual life path, called a religion, or be agnostic by not knowing that a choice of life path exists.

Spiritual Oneness is deemed by most to be a unification with the universal source of creation, universally known as God. Those who seek God outside of their Self, usually go without. Those who go within may find either oneness or nothingness.

A Oneness with God that means a Oneness with the Creator requires one to become the creator of one’s own life. When God is creating my life for me, I am in a duality of myself & god. When I am creating my own life as the Creator, I am at One with God and I realise that my Soul is always at one with my Self. My Soul is God because, by definition, my Soul is the Creator of every experience for its Self.

My own life is the something that my Soul/Self is creating from nothing. The Creator did not create the Nothingness. The creation of duality created the dual reality of creator & creation, and Soul & Self was created as something. Something called duality allows for choice and for choice to be creative.

Without a creator, there is nothing. With a creator, there is always a creation. Without a creation, there is no creator. Nothingness is a potential creator without a creation. The something that the creator seeks to create is called Oneness between the creator Soul and its own Self-creation.

The Creator seeks to create Oneness with its Self from nothingness. Without its Self, the Soul has no One and nothing to create with. Nothing can create oneness without One to create it with. Without its Self, the Soul has only the experience of nothingness, which is no experience at all.

The Soul created its Self out of nothingness, in order to experience Oneness with its Self. Oneness with everything is an experience that requires many individual somethings to exist as separate entities.

Nothingness is not who the Soul is. The Soul creates its Self as something, not nothing. Nothingness is the Source from which the Soul realises something and everything. The Soul cannot achieve Oneness with Nothing, so it cannot attain oneness with the Source of everything. When I start at Source and remain at Source, there is no journey, there is no experience and there is no creative potential realised. Source is nothing but a potential waiting to be realised.

Oneness is the realisation of everything being connected as one version of one universal Soul. When I realise nothing, there is no reality, no version of something and no connection to anything. Attaining oneness with the universe requires realisation, versatility & connection; which are indeed something.

Being, doing & having nothing is the definition of nothingness, not the way to Oneness. Potentially having everything is being without nothing. Oneness as a Creator allows infinite potential to flow from Nothing.

I cannot deny my Self and become at One with my Self. I cannot be the Creator without realising that I am also its Creation. As the Creator creates it Self, to attain Oneness, the Creation is required to sees itself as its own Creator.

The triality of life is attained when the duality of creator & creation is overcome with a third perspective of Pure Creativity. Pure creativity is attained when the Id, the Entity & the Ego all create their own reality as One Version of the Truth of their Soul.

Pure Creativity has no duality, it is the third way following a third choice that overcomes the duality of the id & ego and unites the Soul as its True Id-Entity. This is the Path of Infinite Expansion of the Oneness as opposed to a return to the nothingness of our Source of infinite potential.

I cannot have Oneness with Nothingness. The Oneness I have is called a Holy or Pure Communion between my Soul and my True Self.

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