Oneness & At Onement

Oneness & At Onement are different attitudes of perspective.

Oneness is an eleventh dimension perspective that everything has One Source and therefore we are all One and the same Entity.

From our relative three dimensional perspective, oneness is a contradiction in terms because it is a singularity, in which there is no separation or division. There is no you & me and there is no them & us, just the all of everything. Being the all of everything and the all that is, is being the essence of god, or oneness.

At Onement is a fourth dimensional perspective of life in a three dimensional dual reality. A three dimensional reality allows the perspective of duality or relative dual reality. There is a subject and an object, there is a you & a me and there is an us & them. We & they are subjective & objective terms for multiple individual Beings.

The whole purpose of a three dimensional relative duality is to experience a choice of an individual, unique & exclusive personal experience called life.

At Onement is a personal journey of overcoming the experience of a relative dual reality. It is uniting, unifying or bringing together the opposing polarities & genders of our relatively divided energy vibrations.

At Onement has been interpreted as atonement, especially by a perspective that cannot see the apparent division or separation. Where expressing a negative polarity of male energy was seen as a sin, it was believed by religion that atonement was choosing a positive female virtue instead.

Where the devil was believed to be sinful, saints were expected to live a virtuous life. Unfortunately, choosing a female gender of emotional expression does not unify anything and no holy communion is ever attained.

Christianity still misunderstands at Onement believing that atonement is what one does because one is sinful. Eastern religions have a better understanding of the pure divinity of mental & emotional harmony when balancing their yin with their yang.

In the general confusion between energetic gender & polarity, there is no clarity as to what is being balanced in harmony with itself. Trying to balance polarity raises or lowers energetic intensity, which results in being blissed out with ecstasy or very angry with depression.

At Onement is the balance between male & female emotional genders called sins & virtues; where neither is either positive or negative. When yin & yang are male & female energy, they are able to be balanced but when they are seen as the opposing north & south polarities of the light & dark sides of a valley, they cannot.

When I give an energetic gender a positive or a negative polarity, I divide the energy vibration twice and make atonement a judgement of guilt that requires either a punishment or a pardon, an apology or a penitence.

It is not about atoning for one’s sins but about being at one with a pure undivided vibration of emotional expression, where male & female aspects are equally balanced. Equanimity means equal anima & animus. A balance between both our male rational & our female emotional intelligence.

At Onement requires moving out of judgment because it is judgment that applies a positive or a negative polarity to personal perspective. With no male guilt and no female innocence, there is just oneness within one’s Self. Only when I suspend judgment, am I no longer guilty of being innocent and I am able to live in peace & harmony with my Self; in the balance & harmony of my unified male & female energy.

At Onement is the third way out of duality by expressing a triune reality of a pure and undivided emotional state of being in balance, harmony & inner peace.

A personal perception of oneness within oneself is not a higher perspective of Oneness with everything. In our current state of spiritual evolution, being at one with my Self is a singularly individual and exclusive personal attainment, which is totally different to having a perspective of Oneness with everything else.

Oneness is the perspective of there is no you as thou art God, and so is everyone else. When you and me are the same, there is no duality but unfortunately a singularity cannot exist in a relative world of duality. It contradicts the sole purpose of this three dimensional world which is to allow individual choice.

As Oneness is a higher dimensional reality, it cannot exist in a lower dimension; other than as a false belief of a separated and disconnected ego. The ego is the sense of Self that is separated from its Soul Entity. An egotistical sense of Self as an eleventh dimension Ascended Master in a three dimensional relative duality, is only a perspective of the ego. The entity sends its Self into a three dimensional reality to experience who it is not, not who it really is. It is through the experience of being who we are not that we learn who we really are.

The third dimension exists for the experience of being an ego in separation from its Divine Entity in order to explore, discover & experience who it is not. It allows the choice of being at one with one’s Self through the experience of being apart from one’s Self. It is about the individual experiences of many different incarnations of one Entity as unique ego selves.

It is not about the experience of many ego selves inclusively journeying together in an irrational attachment, even though we are all free to choose to do so. It is this belief that causes the doctrine & dogma of an established cult or religion. Religions may preach oneness but they have only ever managed to achieve diversification & division through fear and hate rather than love and light.

Religion teaches oneness as an inclusive attachment to all others who worship the same doctrine.

Spirituality teaches the At Onement of Love & Light in Life with Individual Power, Authority & Ability.

It is the At Onement of being with a pure vibration that unites relative frequencies & wavelengths of energy in balance & harmony. At Onement requires a sensitive detachment with others, not an insensitive disconnection to the reality of this three dimensional space-time-continuum.

Relative three dimensional reality allows freedom of choice, so it is the reality of this dimension that all possibilities exist, including the choice between at Onement and Oneness or the default choice of atonement.

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