On Borrowed Time

I am on ‘Borrowed Time’ when my time is not my own.

When I am actioning other people’s choices under other people’s authority, I am working in their time and not my own.

My Soul operates in its own Time.

When I operate in my own time, I am co-operating with my Soul, and life is Divine.

My own time is my Soul’s Time, which is Divine.

When I operate in my own time, life flows effortlessly.

Existentially, all time is borrowed for the purpose of physical experience.

Without ‘Time’ there is no experience and there is no ‘Space’ within which to experience the experience of time.

I borrow both Time & Space for the sole purpose of experiencing Reality.

In Absolute Reality there is only Divine Time, which is ‘All Time’ & ‘No Time’ united in Oneness.

In actuality, I cannot own time, I can only borrow it and live ‘in time’ with ‘life’.

We are all on borrowed time. My quality of life is determined by how well I spend the time that I have borrowed.

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