
Offence is how I view an attack.

I see an attack as offensive.

I take offence when I am attacked.

A fence is a form of boundary.

When my boundaries are crossed, I find it offensive as I am under attack.

With no boundaries to defend, I am defeated.

Enforcing my boundaries maintains my defence.

Crossing my boundaries is an offence.

As a rule, I enforce my boundaries.

When my rules are broken it is an offence.

When my laws are broken, it is a crime.

Subject to the Law of Attraction, defence & offence are opposing polarities of the same energy.

That means that offence & defence are just a matter of perspective.

Standards & boundaries are also opposing polarities of the same energy.

My subjective standards become your objective boundaries.

Defending my standards can offend your boundaries.

Defending my boundaries can offend your standards.

My standards are the banner that I proudly carry into battle.

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