Observation & Opportunity

An Observation is a statement of my perspective of reality in the present moment.

What I observe, I see with my physical eyes or I see in my mind’s eye as the fact of my reality.

My observations are how I see the world and how the world is relating to me.

An Opportunity is a statement of my perspective of how reality can be in the future.

I cannot see an opportunity with my physical eyes. I can only see an opportunity intuitively in the imagination of my mind’s eye.

Imagination is essential to being able to see a future opportunity.

An observation is a reflection of my present reality, whereas an opportunity is a picture, a thought, a revelation or an insight of how life can be changed to become more beneficial in the future.

Observation is required to ascertain: “Where I am now”.

Opportunity is essential to ascertain: “Where I choose to be”.

Coaching may be required to ascertain: “How I will get there”.

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