Objectives & Objections

Objectives are things that I would like to achieve.

They are things outside of my present experience that I do not have.

Objectives are objective, not subjective.

They are the object of my desires, not the subject of who I really am.

My own objectives belong to my ego Self, they are not the subject of my eternal Soul.

I subject my Self to my intentions, not my objectives.

The objectives of my Self are not always in alignment with the intentions of my Soul.

Objections are the resistance that my sub-conscious Self puts in the way of my conscious objectives.

My objections are my limiting beliefs manifesting in my conscious mind.

They are my reasons why my objectives cannot be achieved.

My Soul has no objections and never objects to my objectives.

When my Self has no objections to my objectives, I have a subjective view of my clear intention because my Self and my Soul are in total alignment.


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