Now & Then

Now & Then are a duality of the present and the future.

Now & then I have everything that I want.

When what I want is not present now, then I will get it in the future.

I either have it now or I will get it then.

If it is not present now, then I will have to wait.

If & then are the result of cause and effect.

Cause & effect are a duality of relative life.

The effect of life is always relative to its cause.

If I do this, then that will happen in the future.

If I have this now, then there is nothing that I have to do.

Now & then has a 3rd Way.

The balance between now & then is Always.

When I always have whatever I need for my journey through life, it is my provision and my present.

Then this is, and always will be, the present moment of Now.

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