Not Wanting What We Have

Everything that we have in life, we have because at some level of consciousness, we have chosen it.

Not wanting what we have in life is a false perspective of our egotistical conscious self.

We do not want what we believe to be bad for our self.

Conversely, we decide what we do want by what we believe that is good for our self.

Good & bad, wanting & not wanting, are choices or judgments of our ego self.

A false perspective held sub-consciously by our ego, is called a limiting belief or a fear. Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real.

What we fear limits us and we therefore believe that we do not want it.

What we really do not want is the limiting belief and the fear.

What we have that we actually do not want is the negative painful emotion created by that belief.

Not wanting what we have is a negative belief that creates a negative emotional state of being.

Therefore the resistance that we apply to not wanting what we have, creates pain and suffering.

The more that we do not want something, the more we focus on what we do not want, the higher becomes the intensity of the negative feeling about what we do not want, and the quicker it will appear or continue to appear in our life.

This is the Law of Attraction in action.

Once we see the opportunity to learn from what we do not want in life, and learn from the opportunity that it is giving us, we no longer need to give it another thought, and it will never again appear in our reality.

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