Nice & Nasty

Nice & Nasty is a duality of the same energy vibration viewed from opposing perspectives.

Mrs Nice is friendly and I like her.

Mr Nasty is unfriendly and I dislike him.

Whether I experience someone to be nice or nasty depends upon my judgment of who I believe that they are being.

When they are being who I want them to be, they are being nice and friendly.

When they are not being who I want them to be, they are being nasty and unfriendly.

I like people who are like me and meet my needs emotionally. They are nice people.

I dislike people who are not like me and drain my energy emotionally. They are nasty people.

Nice people give me their emotional energy.

Nasty people threaten and deplete my emotional energy.

When I become totally accepting of a person, they are no longer either nice or nasty, and they no longer see me as either nice or nasty. They accept me as being accepting of who they really are.

When I no longer judge others, they no longer judge me.

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