New Year Resolutions

New Year Resolutions never resolve anything.

A new year resolution is a new solution to an old problem.

It is a solution for next year that is designed to solve last year’s problem.

Solutions never solve the cause of problems, they just fix the symptoms for a while.

New solutions never solve old problems, they just prove that old solutions didn’t work.

In a problem-free reality, I have no problems, I have only opportunities for growth and therefore solutions and resolutions are not necessary.

Solutions and resolutions are not required when accepting opportunities.

When I see a learning opportunity as a problem to be solved, it will always be a problem to be solved, whether I have a solution or not.

An aspirin is a solution to the problem of a headache but it will never eradicate the cause of the headache and the problem will often return.

A problem will always be a headache until I become problem-free. I will not become problem free by trying to solve or resolve problems, either this year or at the start of a new year.

This New Year I invite all opportunities to present themself for my approval.

My New Year’s Intention is to embrace all my opportunities for a problem-free and effortless Life.

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