Nervous & Excited

Nervous energy can be exciting or excitable, depending on our point of view.

Nervous energy is negative energy. Negative energy is negative because it is created by a negative belief.

A negative belief is a limiting belief, which creates negative emotional energy that is called worry, anxiety or fear.

Excited energy can be exciting and positive. Positive energy is positive because it flows uninterrupted in an expansive forward direction. It flows effortlessly and expansively.

Being effortless and expansive is positively exciting.

Excitable energy is not positive and exciting. Excitable energy is not under control and is danger of creating negative consequences.

Nervous energy and excitable energy are a duality of negative emotional energy.

Positively exciting energy has no duality and is the pure undivided positive feeling that inspires and empowers our self to a new and exciting experience.

Nervous energy is seen as a problem, excitable energy can be a challenge, and exciting energy is always an opportunity.

Opportunity is my Soul being excited, whereas a problem causes my Self to be nervous.

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