Negotiate my Path

I Negotiate my Path with Rectitude.

My path is never unjustified or wrong.

I am never off track. I just appear to be lost, confused and frustrated with an opportunity to gain direction, clarity and presence.

I am here to negotiate my path with effortless joy and expansive flow.

When I am on track, I am flowing effortlessly on my journey of expansive growth.

I negotiate my path with my Soul.

Without clear negotiation, I encounter resistance, entropy and chaos.

When I decide to go it alone and follow the will of my ego, there is no negotiation with my Soul and no negotiation of my path.

Following my path is a process of negotiation with my Soul.

Negotiation requires co-operation and agreement.

Without co-operation and agreement, negotiation breaks down and resistance and conflict ensue.

It is not about surrendering to the will of my Soul.

My Soul’s Will is for my Self to have choice.

It is about surrendering to the process of negotiation that brings my Self and my Soul into Harmony & Resonance in order to allow an effortless journey to be realised.

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