Negative Thoughts

Negative Thoughts are created by my sub-conscious beliefs.

They are the result of a sub-conscious belief that I focus my attention on by recalling from my memory.

Negative thoughts create negative experiences because they are the consequence of a negative belief created by a negative experience.

Any thought about something that I do not want, or something that I do not have, is a negative thought.

Anything that I believe to be a problem, a toleration, or a resistance to my life flowing effortlessly, is a negative thought.

Negative thoughts disallow positive emotional energy.

An emotional state of being always reflects the polarity of its sponsoring thought.

Negative thoughts thrive in an environment of low negative emotional energy, because low emotional energy is the result of negative thoughts.

They express a negative perspective that allows my negative perception of my reality.

Expressing a negative perspective of reality always results in my experience of that reality.

Negative thoughts are by definition thought that I do not want to have.

They are the consequence of negative thinking.

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