Negative Thinking

Negative is the direction of my thinking that encounters resistance, entropy and contraction.

The direction of my thinking determines the direction of my Life.

Negative thinking creates a negative reality and negative experiences.

A negative experience is one that I do not want, I do not choose or I do not choose to repeat.

Negative thinking is the realistion of negative beliefs.

A negative belief is a limiting belief.

A limiting belief inhibits my effortless life and my expansive growth.

For my thinking to have direction, it requires the realisation of my vision.

Without a vision, my life has no direction and I become lost, confused and very frustrated.

Without a vision for my Life, I will have no direction to discern and I will judge my thinking to be either good or evil.

Negative thinking is the consequence of a sub-conscious mind that holds negative beliefs.

Negative thought is an oxymoron. Original Thoughts come direct from my Soul, they are my direction, and they are never negative.

It is only ever my thinking about my thoughts that is negative, never the thought itself.

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