Needs & Values

A Value is the measure of the positivity of an emotional experience.

The more positive the emotion, the more value is experienced.

A Need is the absence of a positive experience.

Needing something, whether it is physical or emotional, is a negative experience.

Needs & Values are a paradox.

When I have what I need, I value it, I see its value and call it a value. 

When I am without what I believe that I need, I need it and see it as a need.

The difference between a need and a value is my perspective of whether I believe that I have it or not.

When life is miserable, I need some fun.

Fun is an emotional need, being miserable is not.

When life is fun, I am having fun and I value the fun that I am having.

The more fun that I am having the more fun life appears to be and the more value that I am experiencing from life.

The more serious life becomes, the more I need some fun and the more I value fun.

When I am having fun it is a value not a need.

When I am miserable, fun has greater value because it becomes a need.

The more that I need something, the greater the value that I attach to it.

The more of something that I have, the less I need it and the more its value depreciates.

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