Natural Philosophy

Natural Philosophy is the love of the wisdom of the nature of everything.

Philosophy is the love of wisdom and the wisdom of love.

Natural Philosophy is the Science of Nature.

The science of Nature is knowing (being scient) the Nature of Life.

The nature of Science is to explore the rational physical world in a logical and mathematically proven way.

Isaac Newton was a Natural Philosopher (a scient-ist) not a modern day scientist. He discovered (invented) the mathematical principles of Natural Philosophy.

Scient, as in Omniscient, means Knowing. Knowing is an intuitive, spiritual sense that is beyond the knowledge of the physical world.

Science is the pursuit of knowledge, not the development of knowing.

Science requires logic and proof. Knowing requires Faith.

The intuitive sense of Knowing is innate, whereas scientific knowledge is learned.

A scientific theorum is an intuitive theory until it is proven logically, rationally and mathematically.

The nature of science is to substitute wisdom with knowledge and love with proof.

The Science of Nature is Philosophy – Naturally.

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