Natural Disasters

Natural Disasters are an oxymoron.

Disasters are not natural.

All disasters are Man made.

Disasters occur when problems are beyond chaotic.

Disasters are an accumulation of problems that have no apparent solution, so that a disaster becomes the solution.

Disasters are not natural but they are inevitable in a problematic world.

Chaos is not the natural state of being.

Chaos is a creation of Man’s thinking, beliefs and actions.

Nature does not create problems, Man does.

Nature is beauty and balance.

Beauty and balance are the natural state of being.

Problems are a perspective of a negative outlook on life.

What is seen as a disaster caused by nature is an opportunity for new growth and a change in perspective.

It is the nature of the Earth to change and to grow.

Resisting that change will always be disasterous.

Attempting to control the planet will be a disaster, naturally.

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