Natural Attributes

Natural Attributes are our inherent nature.

It is the nature of Man to be happy.

It is the nature of Man to be well.

It is the nature of Man to grow.

Growth is the state of being expansive.

Expansive Growth is the nature of the universe.

It is also the nature of my Soul.

The purpose of my Self is the expansive growth of my Soul.

It is the vision of my Soul that I am happy & well in my expansive growth.

When my Self is developing, my Soul is expanding and I am well happy.

Unwellness & unhappiness hinder self-growth.

The path of natural development is to grow out of my unwellness & my unhappiness.

It is not my Soul’s intention to be unhappy or unwell other than to define my True Nature.

Natural Happiness, Wellness & Expansive Growth require both rational & emotional intelligence

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