Myths Of 5D Ascension

  1. Following someone else’s direction will lead me on my path of ascension
  2. Ascension will happen to me, if I am in the right place at the right time
  3. My ego is blocking my path, so I need to overcome it
  4. My purpose is to be here in service to other people
  5. Ascension is something I have to do, need to achieve or must accomplish
  6. Reality has more than three physical dimensions
  7. My rational choices are blocking my ascension
  8. Spiritual practice will make me a spiritual person
  9. Other people have the answers that I am seeking
  10. Atonement is forgiving my trespasses and forgiving others for crossing my boundaries
  11. There is much pain & suffering on the road to redemption
  12. I have a Guardian Angel who will protect me
  13. Heaven & Hell are not on the physical plane of the corporeal realm
  14. Providence only provides for the righteous good-doer
  15. The Law of Attraction works in a mysterious way
  16. I need to protect myself from other people’s malignant energy
  17. Gems & crystals have an energy vibration that can heal me
  18. All we need is love
  19. There is a force outside of me that determines my fate
  20. Creativity is an art not a science
  21. The Planet Earth is ascending to a higher dimension

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