My Two Selfs

My ego Self does not like the title of ‘lower self’.

My ego Self believes that it is my sense of self.

My ‘Higher Self’ knows that it is my True Self.

My ego sense of Self relies on my 5 physical senses to understand who I am.

It lives in a rational, physical world and knows itself by who it believes that I am relative to this world of matter.

My Higher Self knows instinctively and intuitively who I am.

It sees the bigger picture of the reality that exists beyond my physical incarnation.

And it feels the presence of a Higher Power than the will of the ego self.

My ego Self is my ‘lower self’ whilst disconnected from the existence of my ‘Higher Self’.

In the disconnection of my dual reality existence, my ego self believes that it is my only Self.

In my connection with my Higher Self, I allow my Ego to become at One with my Higher Self and become my Soul.


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