My Truth Is!

My Truth Is: The alignment of my sub-conscious thinking with my super-conscious thought.

My Truth Is: When I am believing that someone else’s path is true for me, I am lying to myself and denying my own truth.

My Truth Is: My subjective vision of my objective mission to fulfil my adjective purpose.

My Truth Is: I can only see the vision of my true purpose in life, with my intuitive insight.

My Truth Is: My rationally intelligent intellect cannot reasonably ascertain the true subjective purpose for my life, with a false perspective of an objective reality.

My Truth Is: There is only one version of my truth and everyone else has there own ‘one version’ of their truth.

My Truth Is: I experience the affect of what my choice causes. My objective is to experience what I sub-consciously believe that I need to experience, until I become the subject of my super-conscious choice for my Self.

My Truth Is: The purpose of my subjective experience is to thrive. My reality is: My objective experience is to strive to survive.

My Truth Is: My experience of reality is man-made. I experience an artificially aesthetic reality of my own making.

My Truth Is: The facts of life are a fiction that is manufactured by the author of my own life story.

My Truth Is: My Soul manifests my true choices on my life path as my personal manifesto.

My Truth Is: The spiritual growth of my Soul is my true story. The fact is: I am the star of the story of my own life and I am the light of the brightest star in my universe.

My Truth Is: My personal experience of reality is not always aligned with my truth. The fact is: Other people’s truth is often a fiction because they have made it up. The fact is: Other people’s stories are real but they are not my truth. The fact is: My story is real even when it is not a representation of my truth. The reality is: My truth is often a fiction, even when the facts appear to be true.

My Truth Is: Facts can be a fiction and reality can be surreal, when I align with a false perception of the true perspective of my life.

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