My True Values

I am on a journey to experience, explore & discover life.

My life is a journey of discovery, exploration & experience.

My True Values are specifically to:

  • Discover that which is unknown
  • Explore my awareness of creation
  • Experience bonding with my bliss

What I Truly Value in life has evolved from what I am here to do, to who I Am here to be.

My True Value, I believe, is in my Beingness, rather than my doingness.

By experiencing a bonding with my bliss, I am learning to become Exclusively-Connected with life.

By exploring my creative awareness, I am creating an awareness of who I really am, as an Emotionally-Rational Human Being.

By discovering the unknown, I am using my relationship with others to become Sensitively-Detached with life.

I Truly Value who I really am because being who I really am has true value.

The more that I explore, discover and experience who I really am, the more value & worth that I attain.

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