My True Identity

My personality and character are individual and unique to me.

My True Identity is not. I too can ‘Be’ like Jesus.

A True Identity is potentially attainable by, and attributable to, all Men equally.

My True Identity is my Adjective State of Being, which is Divine. Adjectivity is neither subjective nor objective.

My personality is my subjective way of being, whereas my character is my objective way of acting and doing.

I am being the subject of what I am objectively doing when I am within a dual reality existence.

My True Identity is beyond the realm of duality and is a state of Absolute Beingness.

The Absolute Realm of beingness has no duality of subjectivity and objectivity.

I have been born into a relative world of opposing forces to assume a temporary identity in order to experience, explore and discover who I really am – My True Identity.

I will manifest my Divinity in the Physical Realm by recreating my True Identity in physical form.

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