My Soul’s Agreement

My Soul’s Agreement is my Covenant with my Self.

My Vision, Mission & Purpose for this life-time is chosen and agreed.

The flight-plan is logged with my Soul.

My Soul agrees to provide my Self with both direction and support.

My Soul provides my provision for the journey.

When following my Path, according to my Plan, my Provision is always provided.

My Soul would not give to my Self a vision without the authority to attain it.

My Soul would not give to my Self a purpose without the power to achieve it.

My Soul would not give to my Self a mission without the ability to accomplish it.

Would my Self undertake such a perilous journey without the inner guidance and provision of the Soul?

It has done for many years.

Getting my ego Self in alignment and agreement with my Soul has not been an easy path.

My Soul is always in agreement with my Self.

I have my Soul’s Agreement whether I am aware of it or not.

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