My Soul Is!

My Soul is not:

  • My Real self – real is in opposition to my imaginary self.
  • My Higher self – higher is in opposition to my lower self.
  • My True self – true is in opposition to my false self.
  • My Spiritual self – spiritual is in oposition to my physical self.
  • My Virtuous self -virtuous is in opposition to my sinful self.
  • My Master self – master is in opposition to my servant self.
  • My Ego self – my ego is in opposition to my id.

My Soul is not in opposition to any aspect of my Self, be it imaginary, lower, false, physical, sinful, servant, ego, id, master, virtuous, spiritual, true, higher or real self.

My Soul is not in opposition to me, in conflict with me, or separate and apart from me. It is who I am.

My Soul is a Triality of:

  • A sub-conscious, conscious and super-conscious entity, of which I am conscious of only one aspect, until I come to know my sub-conscious and super-conscious Self. That is, I become conscious of my sub-conscious beliefs and I become conscious of my super-conscious awareness.

All the time I see my Self as in opposition to my Soul, I will conflict with my Soul instead of re-uniting with the two other aspects of my Self that make up the Triality of my Soul.

My Soul is Me, Myself, & I.

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