My Reality

My Reality and the Reality of this World are not necessarily the same.

I do not necessarily share the reality of this world.

The reality of this world is the sum total of the reality of each individual who is alive today.

Each Individual’s individual reality makes up the reality of Life on Earth.

I can choose to experience other people’s reality or I can choose to experience my own reality.

I share the same world, Planet Earth, as all other inhabitants of this world.

I co-habit this world with all others.

Yet I do not choose to share the same reality as all others or any other.

Sharing the same reality as other people proved to be my fate, not my destiny.

To create my own destiny, I am required to choose my own reality.

I choose to share my reality with those who choose to share my reality with me.

I only choose to share my reality with people who share the same reality as me.

I cannot share my reality with someone who experiences reality in a different way to my Self.

Creating and living in one’s own unique, exclusive and individual reality is essential in order to follow one’s own unique, exclusive and individual Path in Life.

My path is only ever blocked by someone else’s version of what reality should be.

The belief that there is only One Reality blocks everyone from following their own path and puts everyone on a path of trying to discover the One Truth.

In the reality of my physical existence here on Earth, I believe that all possibilities exist and all possible realities exist simultaneously.

I just have to choose my reality and then experience it.

Whatever I choose becomes My Reality.

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